i heard (from numerous sources) that its supposed to be a bya/shoshanim - bya on a lower academic leval with classes that prepare you for mother hood and jobs - like pnninim. they have a class on checking and stuff like tht for ex. i heard from one other person that its suppoes 2 be in btwn bnos chava / bya and mesilos but my principal said otherwise and by the open house she made it clear that she wants very frum girls who didnt come 2 uisrael 2 hv fun and go out 2 eat - shouldnt go out 2 eat more than 2x a week.
my question is why do they feel the need to open such similar seminmarys(tifers nachalas seminar shoshanim etc) when there are hardly any for ppl who need oness in btwn bjj/bya/ bnos chava and sarchei bina/michlala - meohr and mesilos are the only options!
the people from teferes came to speak to my skewl twice and it sounds pretty good. they said they want girlz with high grades but they wont put so much pressure they don’t want the girlz to be up till 2:00 studying... also he was very into having a warm atmosphere that sounded like his top priority... the interesting thing is that there planning on having classes on parenting, marriage, motherhood... different then the other seminaries, there also having a computer graphics class and a class on dealing with people/ midos. It sounds good but I don’t know wat type of girlz will go also its kind scary to go to a new sem. luv u guyz, michal
well, about the going out to eat - you shouldn't anyways go out to eat that often. it's a waste of money. (even if it is your parents') i went out even less than that. and i went to meohr. :)
people want to cater to who they consider "frummer" girls. it makes them more comfortable, and mkes them feel more successful. imagine - you have a seminary, and most girls come out amazing.
the thing is, it's not the biggest deal to have girls who go in amazing and come out the same.
what's great is when you have a sem where the girls go in one way and come out truly charged, and prepared as best as they could for life. and with lasting changes. those are the girls who are truly "amaaaaaaaaaaazing."
btw michal, meohr also has parenting and chinuch habanim (at home and school) classes. and a few sems have a class called "toras chaim" - which is communication and life skills.
personally, i think toras chaim should be taught in high school as well.
It is supposed to be inbetween BYA and Shoshanim- like a a sem for BYA-type girls who are weak academiclly.
really? where'd you hear that info?
i heard totally different.
My sem adviser. And I know a couple of people who went to the open house on thursday.
Mentoes; what have you heard? I also heard it's like a bnos chava.
ive been hearing really diff. opinions abt it...does a/o really know a/t for sure?
i heard that it's supposed to be more like bnos chava / BYA.
but i didn't find out much else, since the person i was finding out for wasn't really interested in going.
i didn't hear that it's going to be on a lower level.
but it could be.
i heard (from numerous sources) that its supposed to be a bya/shoshanim - bya on a lower academic leval with classes that prepare you for mother hood and jobs - like pnninim. they have a class on checking and stuff like tht for ex. i heard from one other person that its suppoes 2 be in btwn bnos chava / bya and mesilos but my principal said otherwise and by the open house she made it clear that she wants very frum girls who didnt come 2 uisrael 2 hv fun and go out 2 eat - shouldnt go out 2 eat more than 2x a week.
my question is why do they feel the need to open such similar seminmarys(tifers nachalas seminar shoshanim etc) when there are hardly any for ppl who need oness in btwn bjj/bya/ bnos chava and sarchei bina/michlala - meohr and mesilos are the only options!
i have the exact same question/problem!
the people from teferes came to speak to my skewl twice and it sounds pretty good. they said they want girlz with high grades but they wont put so much pressure they don’t want the girlz to be up till 2:00 studying... also he was very into having a warm atmosphere that sounded like his top priority... the interesting thing is that there planning on having classes on parenting, marriage, motherhood... different then the other seminaries, there also having a computer graphics class and a class on dealing with people/ midos. It sounds good but I don’t know wat type of girlz will go also its kind scary to go to a new sem.
luv u guyz,
well, about the going out to eat - you shouldn't anyways go out to eat that often. it's a waste of money. (even if it is your parents')
i went out even less than that.
and i went to meohr. :)
people want to cater to who they consider "frummer" girls. it makes them more comfortable, and mkes them feel more successful. imagine - you have a seminary, and most girls come out amazing.
the thing is, it's not the biggest deal to have girls who go in amazing and come out the same.
what's great is when you have a sem where the girls go in one way and come out truly charged, and prepared as best as they could for life. and with lasting changes.
those are the girls who are truly "amaaaaaaaaaaazing."
btw michal, meohr also has parenting and chinuch habanim (at home and school) classes. and a few sems have a class called "toras chaim" - which is communication and life skills.
personally, i think toras chaim should be taught in high school as well.
today they came to my skool and my teach. said that its supposed to be a mix btwn seminar and meohr...i dunno.
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