Friday, November 03, 2006

I am nearly done filling out my applications but it is those last few questions that leave me feeling stuck. My suggestion: why don't we post often asked questions and you ideas on how to answer them? No need to post what you wrote yourself or your name because it is a bit personal.


Anonymous said...

What did you guys write are your strong points?

Anonymous said...

i dont have any strong points u can put into words

Anonymous said...

that was actually kinda hard. it was easier to write the things i want to work on.

Anonymous said...

Like what? I think that's a hard question as well. There isnt much you can say without them looking down at you for needing to improve in that area or think you are totally lying.

Anonymous said...

they don't exactly look down on you for writing what you need to approve on. in fact, if you write one thse esoterical answers, you'll be less likely to be accepted than if you write the truth. we're all struggling, and the principals of the seminaries know it. obviously f you're struggling with things that most of the girls that go there conquered already, then you shouldnt be applying there.

about strong points - write a list of what you like best about yourself, and what you dislike about yourself. be honest. you should be able to find some strong points there.

good luck!

Anonymous said...

i meant improve, not approve.

Anonymous said...

i wrote that i want to work on having patience and being more sensitive to other... is that the kind of answer they are looking for?

Anonymous said...

that sounds good.
are you really working on that?
being sensitive towards others is a rather broad topic. you might want to focus in what issue you're trying to be more sensitive.
and having patience for what?
be specific. it sounds more real that way.

Anonymous said...

mentoes...i dont like what u answered. what do u mean- 'are u really working on that'????- that was a little rude! arent we supposed to be honest when we answer in our application? and cant a person want to improve in these areas IN GENERAL. and what do u mean by more real...what's more real than the truth?!?!

Anonymous said...

sorry. i didn't mean to be rude.
many girls (and i speak from experience) just make up anything because they know that they HAVE to be working on something.
as this thread is anonomous, i wasn't speaking to anyone in particular. sorry if there were any hurt feelings.

about the second part of your post: you may WANT to improve in general, but that's not the question. the question is what are you working on NOW. you usually don't work on such a broad range of things at once, or you wouldn't really get anywhere. small steps is key, right? so which small steps are you in the midst of taking to become a better person?

that's what i meant when i said it sounds more real.

and i actually spoke to one head of a sem and asked what he wanted when he asked that question. i'm giving you an actual answer.
take it or leave it.

Anonymous said...

thanx, i guess....

Anonymous said...

you guess?

come on, lighten up!
i know these times can be frustrating. all new situations one finds oneself in can be this way.

really, you're all gonna be ok.

Anonymous said...

okay :)

Anonymous said...

now i want you to chill and force yourself to smile.
it really puts you in a better mood.


Anonymous said...

okay im chilled already from like 2 days ago! ( or maybe im not?)

Anonymous said...

you frozen yet?

(corny, i know.)

how're the apps coming along?

Anonymous said...

u are such a dork.... and my apps. are coming fine but im still not sure of my 3rd choice where to apply!

Anonymous said...

hey, no name calling here!
so i'm dorky.
what can i do about it?

what are the two on your list so far?

Anonymous said...

u dont NEED a 3rd

Anonymous said...

but u do if ur applying to 2 sems that r hard to get into like bjj and bc.

Anonymous said...

it's always good to apply to three.

but if you're sure that you DON'T want to go to any of those three, then don't. don't let anyone force you into applying anywhere you dont want to go. it's just a waste of money.
of course, if it's a parent that wants you to go someplace, you have to find a respectful way of declining.

if you're applying to bjj and bc, bnos sara sounds good. as do (from the sound of them) nachalas and tiferes. but they're new, so if you decide to go to either of them, i would say to find out which girls already accepted theeir acceptance letters. (of course, you'd only know that in february)

Anonymous said...

e/o tells me the same thing basically..or another version of the same thing...but i still dont know...

Anonymous said...

the best thing to do is just decide and leave the rest up to the one above. dwelling over it is not gonna change much.

Anonymous said...

i guess ur rite.

Anonymous said...

i know you probably hate hearing it from everyone, but it's true!